How to Change Server in PUBG Mobile Lite | North America to Asia

After 0.21.0 update of Pubg Mobile Lite, users are facing an annoying issue that is server of North America.

We know that (if we are indian), the server of North America is dedicated for North East users but not for Asia Pacific.

The matter is, After login in Pubg Mobile Lite we can see the North America server by default. Also, there is no feature or option to change it.

In this post, I am sharing the permanent solution for this server issue in Pubg Mobile Lite. After applying our solution, you can able to change server location in North America to Asia.

How to Change Server Location

  1. First of all logout your account in Pubg Mobile Lite.
  2. Close VPN and Pubg Lite App.
  3. Go to device settings and open application management.
  4. Find Pubg Mobile Lite app and scroll down.
  5. You can see the Clear Cache Tab. Do clear cache and close settings.
  6. Now connect your VPN with Singapore Server.
  7. After that, open Pubg Mobile Lite and login your account.
  8. Hurray! Now you can play Pubg Mobile Lite in Asia Server.

Difference between North America and Asia Server in Pubg Mobile Lite

North America: - North America is the dedicated server for North East people's in Pubg Mobile Lite. While gaming, they do not face any lag and high ping. Apart from this, they enjoy their gameplay and experiencing the smooth and fast movements.

Asia: - Asia is the another server of Pubg Mobile Lite which is dedicated for Asia Pasific Countries like china, indonesia, india, thailand and Japan etc. While gaming, they do not face any lag and high ping in asian countries. Apart from this, they enjoy their gameplay low ping fluctuations.

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