If you want to play BGMI on PC using the bluestacks emulator then you have to use the google play store in the bluestacks emulator. It is easy to install BGMI in Bluestacks with the help of the Google Play Store.
To install BGMI in the Google Play Store, you must first sign in to Google Play with your Google account.
In today's post, I will tell you how to login with your Google account on Google Play Store in Bluestacks. Before that, if you don't have your Google Account then click on the link below and create your Google Account.
Click Here - To Create a Google Account
Login Google Play Store Account in BlueStacks
1) Open BlueStacks on your PC / Laptop.
3) Click on Sign in.
4) Wait for the Checking Info.
5) Enter your Gmail Address (ie. username@gmail.com).
6) Then enter your Google Account password.
7) Now you will reach the control box. Click "Yes, I'm In".
8) Now you can see the backup permissions, click Accept to continue.
9) Read the Google Play Terms of Service carefully. Then click "I agree".
10) Congrats! You have successfully created a Google Play Store Account.
Final Words
If you don't understand this written tutorial then watch the below video tutorial.
If you are facing any issue in the above steps or method, comment below. I will try to reply you as soon as possible. Also, you want to play BGMI without Emulator on Windows 7,8 and 10 PC, please follow our tutorial on it.
Click on the Above Image to go to the following tutorial - Play BGMI on Windows PC without Emulator.
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